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The Races of Barbarus

Discover a handful of the denizens of Barbarus

The Barbarian Clans

The Barbarians are a collection of independent clans spread out across Amitor, occupying almost all of its myriad habitats. Part of a race called the Sur-humans, they are bigger than an average human and more durable, able to shrug off blows that would kill or cripple a weaker race. Living in small villages and towns rather than sprawling cities, many barbarians enjoy a simple, but enjoyable existence within their clan, reveling in the simple pleasures of food, drink, and combat.


Each barbarian clan is named after an animal and has its own traditions and customs. However, they all share a close link with nature and the natural world, which can be seen most clearly in the Griots, barbarians born with the traits of the animal their clan is named after that keep the traditions of many clans alive. These Griots are often highly regarded within a clan, and if powerful enough, can transform into a hybrid of sur-human and their clan animal, or sometimes even into their clan animal outright.

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The Reptiliae

Lurking within the eastern jungles of Demorena, the Reptiliae are considered untouchable. Both incredibly strong and intelligent, they have carved out multiple city-states that stretch throughout the jungle, using their ingenuity and raw savagery to hold back the wilderness and the creatures that roam it. Few outsiders visit the cities of the Reptiliae due to the perils of the jungle, and so what is known of the Reptiliae and their culture comes from the words of the lizard people themselves.


What is known of the Reptiliae is their ability to hold a grudge. While perfectly civil and even friendly to those who have not wronged them, wars from centuries ago are still fresh in the Reptiliae’s minds, and they respond to any incursion by those they dislike with immediate aggression. They are utterly ruthless, which, when combined with their strength and intellect, makes them a deadly foe.


The Kuldwellers are a nomadic race that travel around the snow-covered plains of Kuldberg. Kuldwellers are well  adapted to these extreme conditions, with thick fur, a high metabolism and squatter figure, all of which help to keep in heat. Kuldwellers are also one of the only races of Daeazeme to use magic, able to train in the use of spells and rituals to assist them.  Living in one giant pack, Kuldwellers are assigned jobs at birth to ensure the survival of the group. These jobs, known as paths, also make up the family units they live in within the pack. Refusal to adhere to these paths leads to dishonour and eventually exile, and groups of these exiles can be found across Kuldberg.


Every few years, the Kuldweller pack travels east to birth their young in giant litters. This migration is treacherous, and there are many beliefs and traditions associated with this journey. Kuldwellers are a very spiritual people and as well as a deep reverence for the land, believe in The Kul, worshipping multiple gods as a singular people to avoid showing favour to one God over another.

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The Elanu Colonies

A race more at home in the water than on the land, the Elanu are a bulky, grey-skinned people who swim using large flaps. On land, these flaps hang down, giving them the appearance of large cloaks and reducing their speed and agility. The Elanu mainly reside in the Sea of Brume, to the west of Daeazeme, but a couple of colonies have set up in the wetter areas of the continent. All Elanu believe in a caste system, with your purpose in life determined by your caste, and your position in the next world decided by how well you adhere to that purpose.


However, the beliefs of the different Elanu colonies have deviated from the norm as they have spent more time away from their home waters. External threats and dwindling populations have caused these groups to question their beliefs, leading to violent civil wars. Elsewhere, other Elanu adapt to life on land, training themselves to fight and live on the surface. It is unknown how the Elanu civilisation would react if it knew the state of these colonies, or whether these colonies would even want to return.

The Phoenixes

An ancient group of organisations with an unknown origin, the Phoenixes are a collection of secret societies spread across large swaths of the world. Originally formed to keep watch over evil god-like beings, the Phoenixes manipulate and influence the races of the world, with their tactics varying based on the specific group. Using magical crystals as a source of magic, the Phoenixes have trained themselves in a variety of spells, and use this to hone non-magical recruits into fearsome mages. The training of this magic remains a closely guarded secret, and the Phoenixes do not hesitate to punish those who threaten to reveal their existence.


However, in recent centuries the Phoenixes have started to deviate from their original purpose. Whilst some groups remain devoted to the cause, others have begun using their influence for more selfish purposes, amassing wealth and power, toying with civilisations to settle petty feuds, or even falling prey to the very corruption they protect against.



Barbarus is home to many different great magical beings, from Gods to Despiles, Great Beasts and more. Sometimes, these beings will bestow some of their power onto the other races of the world. These blessed can vary greatly in their power and abilities, with some being granted physical boons or mutations, others given great magical powers and abilities, whilst others still are given minor gifts, such as longevity. Often the blessed will show powers of the being that blessed them, with a blessed of the storm god having lightning powers, or a blessed of a Great Beast displaying similar traits to the creature.


Blessed can be found in every corner of the world, although they are rarely found together in groups. Some prefer to keep their powers and origins hidden, whilst others display their power proudly for all to see. Their relationships with their benefactors also vary, with some still actively worshipping the beings who gave them power, whilst others have turned away, to find their own way in the world.

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