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Ability Overview

We understand that the idea of creating and using your own abilities can be daunting, both from a player perspective of making sure they are interesting and fun, and from a GM perspective of ensuring abilities are balanced. Below you can find more details about how abilities work in the Phoenix system, and more details on creating and balancing abilities can be found in the Phoenix Guides available in the store. Tap through below to learn more about abilities and how they work.

Ability Levels and Gaining Levels

For a standard campaign, players will generally have 3 upgradable abilities (normally with 5 levels) and 2 non-upgradable levels (with only one level). Players will have access to all of their abilities at level 1 when they start their adventure, meaning even from the start, all players should have a good toolbox of fun and interesting skills. We recommend having a mix of passive and active skills, however certain characters may wish to lean more one way or the other.


Phoenix does not use an experience system, as during our testing we found this limiting, and difficult to align with our values of freedom of roleplaying (for example, if experience was linked to combat, adventures more focused around non-combat activities would be unfairly punished). Instead, we leave when players level up to the discretion of the GM, who may choose to do it at the end of each session, at significant milestones in the adventure, or if the players have performed exceptionally. Players will get to upgrade an ability each time they level up, alongside stats and other bonuses, ensuring each level up feels powerful and interesting.

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As standard, focus is used as the resource players spend to use active abilities. Players are not locked to only being able to use a certain amount of an ability a day, and as long as they have the focus (which can be restored by items and resting), they can use them as much as they want. Although focus is standard, this is not to say you cannot implement other rules. You may, for example, give a player who has a powerful mech-suit ability a fuel meter, or someone who has entered into a pact with a great deity a favour meter, for which they must gain favour by doing things for their god. Some abilities may not have a focus cost at all, instead only needing time (which can be precious in combat!) or items to cast.


Overcharges are a single-use, powerful resource all players have access to in the Phoenix system. Although rare, with players starting an adventure with 2 and gaining them at significant level milestones (levels 5 and 10), these allow you to significantly alter an ability's effect, leading to new, devastating potential. For example, an overcharge used on a fireball ability may allow the player to rain fire down in a large area affecting all enemies, or an ability allowing you to communicate with animals may let you see through the eyes of one or even control it. The potential of overcharges is limitless, and can be a saving grace for your team when all seems lost

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Combat Manoeuvers

In addition to their unique abilities, all players have access to a handful of Combat Manoeuvers. These low-focus cost actions could be considered abilities that all characters have, and allow all players to attempt certain actions in combat, such as charging opponents in range, grappling with enemies, disarming them and more. These Manoeuvers require checks to pass, but can be used to disable enemies and make combat feel more tactical than just attacking or using abilities. A full list of these Combat Manoeuvers can be found in the Phoenix Player's Guide.

Ability Database

Whilst our guides go into great detail about making your own abilities, you may also need some inspiration. We have compiled a database of over 400 abilities for you to look through and choose from, covering all kinds of uses and settings. You can also take these abilities and edit them, to change their power level and cost, or to ensure they fit thematically into your setting, creating your own library of ability cards to draw from

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